برنامج الإبداع
مادة الإبداع (Creativity)
يواجه عالمنا المعاصر العديد من التحديات والمشاكل المعقدة والمتنوعة، كما يشهد تطوراً متسارعاً في التكنولوجيا، كما أنه يتغير باستمرار، وهذا يحتاج إلى أفراد مبدعين ليتمكنوا من تحليل المشكلات ومعالجتها بطرق جديدة ومبتكرة، مما يجعل الابداع والابتكار حاجة ضرورية وملحة للنجاح والتميز في المستقبل.
لذلك فقد قررت مدارس قمم الحياة اعتماد مادة الابداع كجزء من رحلة التعلم لطلابها في المراحل من جريد 7 وحتى جريد 12 بمستويات مختلفة تتناسب مع كل مرحلة عمرية.
وسيتم في هذه المادة توفير مجالات مختلفة للطلاب منها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر (الفنون، التصميم، البحث العلمي، الكتابة الإبداعية، الدراما، االابتكار)، وسيكون لكل طالب/ة الحق في اختيار اثنين من هذه المجالات في كل فصل دراسي لإتاحة الفرصة لهم لتجربة أكبر عدد ممكن من المجالات لتمكينهم من استكشاف شغفهم ومساعدتهم على تطويره وصقله والتميز فيه.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi
Vision of Life Skills Education
To empower young people with special thinking, social, and working skills to share and become full participating and effective members of their community.
Mission of Life Skills Education
To provide a program focused on personal development, social enhancement, and career preparation to help young learners cope with challenges and manage their lives in a healthy and productive manner.
Life Skills are a set of basic skills that enable us to effectively manage the challenges and questions we face in our daily lives. This life skill series aims at creating active, informed, and responsible citizens, who are willing and able to take responsibility for themselves and their communities. In fact, life skills series seeks to prepare citizens who, among other things, are:
- aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens
- informed about social and political issues
- concerned about the welfare of others
- able to clearly articulate their opinions and arguments
- capable of having an influence on the world
- active in their communities
Actually, life skills are mostly acquired indirectly through experience and practice. However, in this series, we try to broaden your mentality and give you a hint to the most important life skills that prepare you well to face the new challenges in the world and put you on the right track. Hence, the most important thing is the ability and willingness to learn. This series sheds light on the most significant skills that you need to lead a better quality of life and to deal effectively with everyday challenges of life. They help us achieve our goals and ambitions.
The skills you should have depend on your life circumstances, culture, geographic location, and beliefs. For example, when you apply for a new job, leadership, self-confidence, and presentation skills are very important. When you face some problems, problem solving skills are important for you. When you are in a position that makes you submitted to criticism, you need to have criticism skills. Consequently, there is no definitive list of life skills.
How does training in Life Skills benefit young people?
- It helps them develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life changes.
- It gives them a voice: at school, in their community, and in society at large.
- It enables them to make a positive contribution by developing the experience they need to claim their rights and understand their responsibilities, while preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of adult and working life.
Junior Researcher Program
Based on Qimam El Hayat International Schools, we inspire our students to reveal their potentialities.
Research-Oriented Teaching and Outstanding Academic Performance: Perception of Qimam El Hayat International Schools
Participating in practical academic research, students can develop a deeper understanding of this vital domain than is possible through classrooms theoretical instruction lone. In fact, being immersed in such an active research environment, our students can expand their career choices; we have seen students with limited interest became extremely engaged and changed their career paths because of their academic research experience.
The Programs includes:
- Scientific Research Basics ( 10 Lectures)
- R. Thesis Supervision
- Public Defense
- Certificates